Because after a fire, they need a place to call home.

A domestic fire is devastating to families. Families need housing, clothing, and spiritual care.


Our mission is to provide fire victims the care they need after a fire. We come alongside of families in the midst of tragedy and work to help give them the care and attention they so desperately need.


Partnering with Families

Rescue House Ministries offers many services to fire victims. Our goal is provide fire victims with all necessary items for two weeks after the fire.


Meet Our Team

We have an excellent team of volunteers that give their time to make the Rescue House Mission possible. As a part of the community, they have a passion to come alongside those in need.


A Heartwarming
Success Story

Inspired the words from a retired firefighter who said, “There should be a house for fire victims,” we determined to develop such a home. Donations started pouring in from the community, and our first house was donated by the local community. By September 29, 2009 our vision became a reality, and the first Fire Rescue House was dedicated in Anderson.


“Today we moved in. We appreciate everything that your organization has done for us. We had a wonderful time staying in your beautiful home.We will never forget what you have done for us. Thank you and God bless all of you.”

— Daniel, Abrina, and Matthew Harrison